Thursday, 21 February 2013

Biking Downtown

Biking Downtown
Oil on linen cavas

from the series for the new gallery

 here is the new big one 100x120cm. I don't know what title to give it but we'll wait until it's closer to being finished and then you can decide.

a view from the studio.  The cloud on the left hanging from the rafters is a prototype for my kid's school party.  I'm organizing all the decors...

These balloons will metamorphosis into bees


  1. Whoa, Angie! You have been BUSY!!! I cannot wait to see the big one finished. I love the biker, too.

    I'm sure you have a great "recipe" for papier maché, but if you don't and are in a pinch a Mexican woman told me a secret: use liquid laundry starch! It dries super quickly and your project can be finished before you know it!

    I love it when you post studio pics...

    1. Hey Laura, that's a great tip. I've been using wall paper glue and it is pretty slow to dry. I imagine a Mexican would know with all the pinatas they make. I'll look for it.


Hi from Paris!