Thursday, 15 December 2011

Contest continues now you vote

Dominique en Velo
12x12 cm oil on canvas
Here are the choices for the possible winner of a signed catalogue:  Showtime or Laguardia Please or Taxi 4D90 
you have until thursday 22 December to vote. I loved all the entries, thanks for commenting now you vote. One vote per person and you can vote your own title, of course.

LauraInSeattle said... "Showtime"
2 Brian Killeen   "title contest: laguardia please
3 'Taxi 4D90' by Helen Cooper here on the blog and Stuart Weiner on the website DailyPaintWorks.

 the same title n3 was suggested by two people so if this one wins I will send a catalogue to each of the two persons that suggested the same title.  Sorry for this mix up next time I'll be more clear about posting the title suggestions as comments one this blog.


  1. Oooh, I like Dominique! I had to look closely to see the fnac could've been another NYC painting.

    Can I vote for my own title? If not, I'll vote for "Laguardia Please".

    Fondly remembering meeting you this time last year! I am having framing "issues" - I haven't forgotten to send a photo, I just need it to be "right" first.

  2. Hi Laura, of course you can vote for your own title. The Dominique painting is a guy on rue des Rennes in front of the FNAC when they put this giant red facade on

    So one vote for


  3. Two more days to vote, so far Showtime is the winner

  4. If you can vote for your own title then I vote for 'Taxi 4D90'

    (Not sure what you meant about the correction on the author No.3)

    Helen Cooper

  5. If you can vote for your own entry then I vote for 'Taxi4D90'

    ( Not sure what you mean by the correction to the author of No 3 )



  6. okay one vote for Showtime and one vote for Taxi4D90. So far it's a tie, call out the troops guys!

  7. Showtime it is for me!

  8. I vote for Showtime!!


Hi from Paris!